Ever the supportive and optimistic wife, I promptly suggested back that if he ever did such a thing, he could save his employers the cost of the "fly out" part, because I'd change the locks while he was away and there'd be no need to "come home" at all.
Fast forward a few years and here it is, Mother's Day 2011.And the Rooster is at work. In Africa. Where he has been for the last 4 months.
He's a smart man. He knew all along that if he left me at home alone with 6 children, I'd be so busy changing nappies, car seat arrangements and various appointments, I'd never get around to the locks! Instead, we count the sleeps til he is home and make arrangements to meet his flight when it arrives, at 6am, on the other side of the city.
I DID say I was supportive and optimistic!
And so for these last few years I've been teaching and training my children in the ways of spoiling and treating Mum. I figure even if it doesn't kick in for a few more years, I'll end up with a pile of gifts and 6 different breakfasts in bed before I am 50!
Preparation for Mother's Day without Dad here to guide and direct them involves planning and military precision. First we visit a department store. Sometimes I think I should call the chosen shop in advance, to warn them of the impending onslaught.
Have you ever taken 6 excited children to Kmart and let them loose to select a gift for Mum?
Well let me tell you : they scatter. Quickly. One to the women's clothing, another to the electrical, another to the DVDs and games, someone else to tip out half the bottles of perfumes and yet another in search of the fluffiest, pinkest and biggest slippers available.
It may sound a little carefree; perhaps even a little dangerous, to let my children roam free in a large department store but let me assure you, it is perfectly safe. Because of that planning and military precision I mentioned earlier.
Once they have scattered to their various locations, I peruse the books, thoughtfully placed right by the front door. I scan titles, grab something I'd like to read and keep an eye on the door for any escapees who suddenly decide Kmart is too down-market for their tastes and want to try their pocket money power at the nearby jewellers!
When I'm sure there are no returns, I head for the predetermined (unknown to the children but this is how it works) meeting point. My children all have a radar when it comes to department stores - for the toy section! There's a strong, undeniable pull for each of them. Wherever they start, whatever route they take, the destination is ALWAYS the toy section! Perhaps it is some kind of side effect from our constant immersion in Star Wars - some version of "the Force"!
And usually by the time I arrive there, so have they. Once they see me, there's a scuttle to hide various boxes and fabrics and packages behind their backs. Have you ever seen a 2 year old try to hide a giant box of chocolates behind his bag whilst simultaneously trying to open the packet and consume them!
And so we head to the checkout, and the sales assistant smiles while the children watch with wide eyes of excitement as their chosen items are scanned. And then I watch with wide eyes of dismay as the final total is charged to my credit card.
Well, the Rooster's credit card. But he's in Africa, remember?!!
Gifts are wrapped and hidden, and there are usually there are activities at school to prepare extra treats for Mum. This year the Honey Girl's class gave their Mums a foot spa and pedicure. Imagine - a class of excited 5 year olds, enthusiastically massaging their mother's feet with foot scrub. And then drying them, and applying "bum".
That's right - "bum". The Honey Girl excitedly announced she was using "bum" for my feet about 6 times, at the top of her voice, before I realised she meant BALM. I suspect she knew it was balm all along, but could not resist the urge to shout "BUM!" repeatedly in her classroom and not be reprimanded for it!
And then the teacher, bless her, had arranged for the children to paint their mother's toenails. Who needs exams and assessments to determine each child's level of hand-eye coordination and fine motor control, when you have assorted bottles of nail polish and obligated mothers with tolerant smiles plastered on their faces!
Fortunately for me, the Honey Girl has a well developed set of skills and her painting was restricted, mostly, to my toenails. Our choices in colour may differ a little but I can certainly say I left that afternoon feeling blessed, adored, special and .... bright!
Which brings us to today. And why my kids rock.
This morning before 6am, my perfect sleeper Gavin tarnished his sleep record and was wide awake. But the Honey Girl came in to check the time and noticed him, and so she lay with him and cuddled him to keep him quiet. When he began to stir and squeak, Tubby padded in quietly and stole him away so I could snooze a little. He returned the littlest one later, nappy and clothes changed, smiling and happy and ready for a feed.
And then I was bombarded with bags of gifts and homemade goodies and loads of cuddles, giggles and attention.
And the best bit? Last night I left this on the kitchen bench, in preparation for a yummy breakfast together.

And sometime this morning, while I slept, it magically transformed into this :

THAT is why my kids rocks!!
And so to each and every Mum today, I hope and pray you feel as blessed, as treasured and as special as I do - not because you have lots of nice stuff, but because you are surrounded by a family that truly does love you. Happy Mother's Day!
Now please excuse me while I engage in a wrestling match in order to secure at least one of my own chocolates before they are all devoured .......

A is for awesome! My child-minding, coffee-making Tubby; my pancake making, craft extraordinaire Rabbit; my chore-doing, super-cuddly Pants; my smiley, bright and texta-happy Honey Girl; my well-mannered, chocolate loving Boombah and my sound-sleeping, gummy-grinning Gavin. Blessed am I!
Nice intro to your family Bec thanks
Becs, your kids are just beautiful!! I can't believe how mature and responsible Caleb has become, you must be so proud of them all!
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