Pants has spent considerable brain power planning his future career. He has long been torn between being a soccer player and being a chef.
The soccer player plan is very appealing on many levels, but has one major point of concern : every time he plays soccer at school he ends up in sick bay! Someone once told him that in soccer the ball had to hit your feet. So, being very literal, Pants thinks that a connection with the ball on any other body part is incorrect, painful and involves an injury.
And so, as you'd expect in soccer games amongst 6 year olds where kicking the ball is the main objective and aiming the kick is not so important ..... as I said, soccer games at school result in a lot of sick bay visits.
Being a chef is also a good option. Except for a long time Pants only ate food that came in multiples of....yellow! And right now, he really only eats toast, yoghurt, fruit and spaghetti bolognaise. And Cocoa Pops.
Not exactly a wide variety of ingredients for the next Master Chef to work with.
But there's been a new development today, and Pants has found a career option that apparently over-rides all previous considerations. He was fascinated at the happenings at the airport today and spent a lot of time with his face glued to the window. (Literally - he ate a lollipop and then pressed his face against the window to view the aeroplanes!)
And so the perfect career has been found for Pants, my quirky, particular middle son.
Air Traffic Controller.
He gets to wear ear muffs all the time.
And direct huge planes by remote control.
And operate odd-looking vehicles of assorted shapes and sizes.
And not have to deal with people, only planes and machines.
And best of all, arm waving and flapping is a job requirement!!
1 comment:
hehe ryan wanted to go on junior masterchef but is also rather limited in what he'll eat and cook ;) he was planning to cook hamburgers and icecream with topping ;p
loving the blog bec!
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