I overheard an interesting discussion in the car on the way home from the supermarket. (where I may or may not have purchased packaged rubbish for dinner tonight!)
It was about fish fingers. And where they came from. Tubby was adamant they came from fish, mushed up and frozen in big blocks and the cut into finger-shaped pieces.
The Rabbit and Pants argued vehemently that they were from fish with fingers, which were removed and crumbed and sold as fish fingers.
(At this point I should explain that perhaps the most responsible and mature thing for a parent to do would be to intervene and guide a discussion on sea creatures, anatomy of a fish and the processing of our food. I find it infinitely more entertaining and amusing to turn the radio off and listen intently - I LOVE where these discussions go!
One time (some years ago) I quietened the music on the way to church, to listen to a game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" between Tubby and the Rabbit. Tubby was winning continually and I was curious as to how the Rabbit would react to this, and if Tubby would realise he needed to make some allowances for his younger brother.
I need not have worried, as shortly thereafter I overheard the regular "Rock, paper SCISSORS!!" followed immediately by Tubby exclaiming "WHAT is THAT meant to be??!"
I glanced into the rear view mirror to see the Rabbit grinning proudly, with his pointer fingers formed into a cross kind of shape.
"I win" he declared "This is Jesus. He beats everything!" )
So, back to the in-car discussion regarding the origins of fish fingers.
Which had moved on to other varieties of seafood. Some of which, if you have a speech delay, prove to be difficult to pronounce and comprehend.
Tubby and the Rabbit tried and tried, through their hysterics, to explain to Pants that they were CRAB balls, and were not little balls of poop, rolled up in crumbs. Even if they DID sound like "crap balls" when Pants said it!
And then of course Tubby wondered aloud if fish lost their fingers to make fish fingers, what part of the crab was removed to make crab balls............
And then someone mentioned prawn cocktails, and I turned the music up very VERY loudly!!
Reminds me of 2 conversations with Alexander.
One,we're eating chicken drumsticks and after a LOT of discussion manage to convince him we're not lying when we tell him they are the legs of chickens. At which point he gets very, very sad that there are so many chickens who's legs fall off!
Second was a Rock Paper Scissors game. First one we ever played. He beats me with....a volcano. Apparently a volcano's lava would melt rocks, paper and scissors and so he wins!
Couldn't quite argue with the logic.
What a CLASSIC conversation. Recorded now for all time on blogland lol. *thumbs up* awesome!
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