I'm just doing some tidying up around the blog and will begin posting again very soon! As the family is planning on relocating overseas, to Africa, later this year I'm sure there will be plenty to blog about. I mean - 6 kids on a flight that lasts for over 20 hours when we can barely manage the 3 minute drive to school without someone pushing/hitting/leaning/spitting/ BREATHING on someone else, and that someone else's world collapsing as a result ..... well, there'll be plenty to blog about won't there?!!
Anyway, while I reacquaint myself with my blog let me introduce you to our newest family member - Gavin. (So named because Boombah cannot quite pronouce his little brother's carefully chosen and much loved Irish middle name, and calls him Gavin instead, which has now stuck!
Gavin - born in December 2010, weighing 5 lb 5 ozes and very quickly stealing our hearts and pretty much taking control of this crazy family!
Note in the first picture he is smiling - he already thinks his siblings are crazy and it's going to be a wild ride!!
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