We've been enjoying the school holidays - long lazy mornings in bed, breakfasts that slowly turn into lunch, and DVDs and pizza for dinner. Particularly the long lazy mornings in bed.
Well at least I have. The kids seem to get up at the same time as always, but if I stay in bed they trickle in one at a time, for a warm snuggle and a giggle. It's a time to be treasured and I've learnt some special things about each of my children during these moments.
Like when Pants came in early one morning in tears, because he'd lost his favourite bedtime toy and had missed him all night. We talked a little about "Tuffly" through the tears and Pants was eventually reassured that the stripey tiger with the big eyes was very likely playing hide'n'seek in the car, after his trip into town with us yesterday.
Fears of having lost him forever soothed, Pants wiped the tears from his eyes with one finger and began drawing on his forehead.
Curious, I asked what he was doing.
"Well", Pants explained, "When my tears are finished I use them to draw rainbows on my forehead, because rainbows come after the rain"!
*sigh* So beautiful!
There's also plenty of silly, giggly moments.
Like when Pants was pretending to be my pillow and had his biggest brother and me laying on him. Amidst the giggles and wriggles, I cautiously whispered "Pants! Can you breathe?"
And he whispered back "NO!"
So I hurriedly gave instructions to get off the poor child before he suffocated with his mother sitting on him. How would I explain THAT should he require medical attention?!
As we fumbled to move and relieve Pants of our weight he continued whispering
"I'm a PILLOW! Of COURSE I can't breathe! Pillows don't breathe!!"
1 comment:
Oh! Pants is delicious.
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