Saturday, September 5, 2009

Stretching the Truth

The Boombah has been ill lately, and so, in true "man" style, he's been whinging and moaning and looking for sympathy. Or another breastfeed. Or both.

It's been a little more challenging, caring for the rest of the tribe, when the Boombah is so demanding. So with his latest demands for comfort and cuddles when I was trying to finish making dinner, put another load of laundry on, send the dog (who is as disobedient as the children!) outside, chat on Facebook with the Rooster (who is away for work right now - isn't HE the smart one?!) and respond to Tubby's ever-increasing interst in all things Michael Jackson, I thought I'd try a new approach.

I've been a baby-wearer since my first came along, and have an assortment of slings, backpacks and carriers. None handy or easily located, of course, but all hideously expensive and regularly vomitted on.

So, inspired by a recent video clip I'd seen of an African woman, I grabbed a cot sheet and proceeded to tie myself and my baby together.

After nearly dropping the Boombah a couple of times, I enlisted Tubby's help. I asked only that he hold the Boombah in place, on my back, while I tied secure knots. I did not ask for him to lift the baby. I did not ask him to move the baby. I did not ask for him to tie the knots. I certinaly did not ask him for advice on how to go about this somewhat-technical, but-it-looks-easy-when-someone-else-does-it manouevre.


After watching me struggle for a short time, and seeing his smallest brother gradually relax as he snuggled into my back, Tubby made a very reasonable and sensible suggestion. To him, anyway. (Please remember : African women wear their babies on their backs. )

His ego-boosting and confidence-instilling suggestion?

"You could put your boob around there too and he could feed and cuddle at the same time"

Excuse me while I remove my "girls" from their position - tucked into my socks - and feed the Boombah again.
Tubby : charming looks AND useful suggestions all-in-one!


TheThingsIdTellYou said...

Lol. Not the worst idea, Bec! That's one handsome young man you have there. :-)

Christie - Childhood 101 said...

DH is eyeing me strangely as I am laughing so much.

So classic!

Well done on coping all alone, you deserve a Mummy award (and a night out!)


Jesamine said...

Bec, I could not help laughing the house down at Caleb's suggestion!! I love reading your blogs btw! You're really gifted in writing!