Surely this face could cause no trouble?!

So, I sit down and take a deep breath and revel in the silence (the children are outside) and the Honey Girl enters at lightning speed.
"I do poo! I do poo! Outside Mum, come see!"
Now aside from the obvious lack of excitement and motivation experienced when invited to attend a Poo Viewing, the Honey Girl is yet to distinguish between #1's and #2's. So as enticing as a Poo Viewing is, examining a urine sample on the back lawn is even less so.
And so I attempt to decline, but am met with her persistance to "Come on Mum! Come ON Mum!'.
Then I try distraction and as I begin to ask to show me her "Stella Jocks" (aka Dora underpants) it hits me : they certainly are not covering her cheeky little butt.
So then I think perhaps I had better have a little look outside, so we can determine where she has wee-ed so we can have a little celebration and a banana lolly. (Don't scoff - #1 tip in Negotiation with Children is to find their currency and deal in it. The Honey Girl is most definitely swayed by banana lollies!)
So I wearily rise from my comfortable chair, forget my longed-for moment of silence online and step into Excited Mummy mode, ready to celebrate the achievement of urinating in the backyard.
Except whilst attempting to find my focus, the Honey Girl has disappeared.
"Where are you HoneyGirl?" I call
And she responds "Here I am Mum, in the toilet, getting paper so you can pick it up".
Sweet, HoneyGirl - thanks for that!
WHY is it my darling daughter has finally learnt to distinguish between #1's and #2's the one and only time she managed to dump it in the backyard? And how exactly does one navigate a 1 acre backyard of lawn, shrubs, sand, dirt and scattered toys whilst barefoot and desperately hoping she does not unexpectedly but irrevocably locate the anticipated landmine with her bare foot???
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