Monday, May 28, 2012

Dietary Dramas

We have a varied diet in our household, and try to cover all the food groups regularly.....chocolate, caffeine, good quality tea in multiple doses .........

No, really, we're all about variety. I am one of those parents who's working on the theory that if we offer all kinds of foods to our children as they grow and explore, and refuse to fight over any particular food item or taste preference, that they'll grow into good, varied eaters, guided by hunger and need rather than routine.

So far it's working. Bah and the Rabbit will try  most new tastes, and eat a good variety. Pants is a little more fussy but at 7.5 years old, he's expanding his boundaries and the Honey Girl is not too far behind him. Boombah, however, is at the very other end of the scale and currently exists on a combination of hot chips, fish fingers, vegemite toast and milk.

And breastmilk.
That's right - he's almost four and still breastfeeding. I'm not sure if it's because he actually likes the milk,or because as a Thomas and Friends obsessed 18 months old he nicknamed my breasts "Thomas" and "Percy" and now has a particularly strong attachment to them both and can't bear to let them go!  But whatever his reason, it works for us both. (although I'll readily admit if you'd asked me a few years earlier how I felt breastfeeding a 4 year old I'd have run off muttering about that being too old and how weird it is! Another of my Perfect Parenting Plans bit the dust....) If you've ever lived with an almost 4 year old, you'll know how important it is to have a full and complete understanding of exactly what technique and items are needed to distract  and ward off a total tantrum meltdown in 3 seconds whilst juggling an armload of groceries, a sippy cup of water and the baby.
Well let me tell you- nothing beats the Booby Dance! At the first sign of a typical tantrum-inducing situation I've only got to whisper "gulky" (his word for breastmilk since he was very small - I like to think it's a combination of milk + gold!) and artfully arrange myself in a manner which not-so-discreetly thrusts Thomas out to grab his attention (which, given Thomas has long been the favourite and therefore appears to be carrying a significantly heavier load than Percy, isn't hard!) and it's all over. I don't mean I expose myself or flash anyone - for the mental health of my pre-teen I do try to remain covered - but there is a certain knack to holding one breast forward, smiling sweetly with your mouth whilst your eagle eyes are searching for any sign of the impending tantrum being triggered to explode, and kinda jiggling your hips and torso so your gain the attention of a wailing child and maintain it.

Anyway, I digress. Trust me, it's a skill that takes years to refine but is absolutely worth the training!

Back to the diet of the other family members, who aren't quite so impressed with breastmilk! We talk about fruit and vegies and how important they are - and we talk about the ones that are gross and how we'd rather be sick for 8 months than have to eat them!

For sanity's sake, I've come up with this plan to ensure there's plenty of vegetables in the diet, but minimum fuss. And really, when it's carrots, mash and peas & corn every night for 84 meals straight, I get a little desperate to find an alternative. Fortunately my kids love vegetable soup. So once a week (or whenever I'm feeling bad about some dietary neglect!) we enjoy a big pot of soup and I figure I've just watched my kids happily eat 7 or 8 vegetables in one meal.
Which frees us up for Maccas or pancakes or hot chips for another night. Or three. Right?!

Genius, huh?!

And to make it even more fun, while we sip on soup (or drop in bits of bread and watch it go soggy) we play the "Can You Guess What Mum Put in the Soup?" game. It's never quite the same soup, so I tell them how many vegies and they have to guess which ones.
Tonight we had 7 vegies to guess, and they had them all bar one. Potato, carrot, celery, cabbage, pumpkin, zuccini and.......??
They couldn't guess the swede. I described it fresh. I described how it was cut up. And then I said it would now look rather like a potato and that they'd probably eaten some of it already and not known since it looked a lot like the potato pieces in the soup.

By that point Bah! was bouncing in his seat with his hand up, bursting to share his answer. He knew, he KNEW!!! He HAD it! I was pretty impressed  -I didn't think any of them would know a swede was called a swede, but Bah! often surprises me with his random knowledge. He likes to read and remembers things.

So everyone had one final guess (with helpful responses like chicken? water? soup? bread, cos I just dropped some bread in it so now it HAS got bread in it Mum!) and we all turned to Bah! to enlighten is. What WAS this mysterious vegetable ingredient that looked like a potato, cooked up like a potato and might well be mistaken for a potato??

Apparently, according to Bah!, it's called a Stealth Potato!!

My not-so-stealth-like eldest, Bah!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

We're Baaaaaaa-aaaaaack!

It would appear I've had myself a bit of a blogging break. (As opposed to disappearing for several months, not blogging at all and then returning to post like I was only sharing yesterday!) I didn't deliberately take a break, I just kept posting our family's craziness on Facebook (they make great status updates!) and then figured there wasn't much point blogging the same story. And plastering my newest blog post all over my Facebook wall and making my friends read it all. Again.

But I'm back. For real this time! I'm even seeking some assistance to pretty up the blog a little. And I'll be posting a little more regularly than before- which given my previous rate was once every month or so, shouldn't be too difficult!

And the reason for the revival is because we're planning to pack up the family and relocate to Africa!!!
And really, what part of taking 6 kids to the travel doctor for multiple injections each while the others run amok in the waiting room with the giant stuffed tiger (it's fake, don't worry!) in the play area with a big sign that says "Please climb all over me" doesn't sound like great blog fodder? (Actually the sign says "Do not climb on me,  I bite!" but given it's in the play area of a doctor's surgery and it's a tiger, you could write "Fiddledy di do, yada yada POO!" on the sign and it would STILL read "Please climb all over me!" wouldn't it?!)

And surely a flight of 14 hours followed by another flight of 4 or 5 hours with a stop over in Dubai sounds like buckets of fun and giggles, right? (especially for our fellow passengers. I'll be sure to post our flight details well in advance so anyone else travelling from Australia to Dubai to Entebbe can avoid booking onto the same flight. We're considerate like that!)

Not to mention the first time our travels catch up with our tummies. I mean, who DOESN'T want to read about 6 kids and 2 adults with a stomach bug/traveller's diarrhea? Photos for THAT post, for sure!

So since we have so much fun and laughter and rainbows coming up, and plenty of preparations between now and then, I thought it was time to revive the blog.
Minor housekeeping : we've updated our eldest's name to Bah! He was a little uncomfortable being referred to as Tubby, even though it was based on what his younger brother called him and has nothing to do with body size and shape. He's asked, instead, that we refer to him by what his littlest brother calls him - Bah! Which is kinda cute, since Bah! was also one of, er, Bah!'s first words!!

I'll finish with a family snap and be back soon (not 5 months!) with a new post!