I've had to dash the Honey Girl's heartfelt and long awaited dreams for her future tonight. Take her deepest longing and lifelong dream and dash it into a thousand broken pieces upon the rock of harsh reality. Utterly destroy a longing her soul .......... ah you get picture!!
Tonight I was making up some music CDs for the boys in iTunes. This is a "game" we play where they select about 127 different songs to go onto a disc, I try to create the disc only to be told the disc space is limited to 20 songs. Then I try to edit the song list and cut it back to 20 without the boys noticing I missed "a few" ..... and then they listen and name the 107 selections I missed, and recite the lyrics.
And we start all over again. *sigh*
So I was distracted tonight. I sent the Honey Girl off to bed with the promise of a story shortly if she waited quietly for me. And, suprisingly, she padded off silently and did not return.
(in hindsight, that should have got the alarm bells a ringin'!)
We finished playing "Can't You Get the Playlist Right Just Once Mu-um?" and I started with the usual evening threats of what will happen if certain boys do not brush their teeth and get into bed. Apparently Pants doesn't mind if his teeth "go all black and fall out" because 1)his brothers keep loosing THEIR teeth and getting paid for each one, so imagine how much money HE'D get if he lost ALL his teeth overnight and 2) black is a way cooler colour than white anyway so who cares if his teeth go black.
I was still pondering an appropriate response to these rather ingenious concepts when the Honey Girl came running excitedly toward me. (In hindsight this should have set the second set of alarm bells ringing!)
"Look Mum! Look!" she shouted "I've been being a hairdresser girl. With my puppy. See - I was the hairdresser girl and I gave her a haircut!"
Let me point out at this crucial stage that her puppy is not alive - we're talking about a small stuffed poodle that was once white and is now a vaguely grey/poo brown shade with fluffy ears and tail tip.
"I'm going to be a hairdresser girl when I grow up, ok?" the Honey Girl continued.
And so I looked. Carefully and very seriously, as such situations require.
And took a deep breath and broke the news as gently as I could.
"Honey Girl, you might need to rethink your future career options. Maybe we can think of something you can be other than a hairdresser?"
"But WHY? I WANT to be a hairdresser girl. I did it already. I'm a hairdresser girl, see? Why can't I be a hairdresser girl when I grow up?"
"Because the puppy is now bald and you've slit open her back with the scissors and her stuffing has all fallen out."
It seems it's not only the Honey Girl's dreams, her hopes and future, lying in a soggy mess on the floor. Poor puppy isn't in such good shape either!!!