Which explains the recent visit to Kinder, from a Parliamentary Member. The Rooster was waiting to collect the Honey Girl when her session finished, and joined the growing congregation of parents milling around outside. The well-dressed man with the photographer tagging along stood out - especially compared to the tracksuited parents with bits of toddler's lunches and play doh stuck to their shirts.
Or maybe that was just the Rooster?!
Anyway, the distinguished gentleman introduced himself, briefly explained the funding (whilst congratulating his own party on such an achievement!) and informed the group that he'd like some photos taken with some of the children when the session ended.
The Rooster went inside when the doors were opened, packed up the Honey Girl's belongings and greeted her with open arms. And this conversation -
Rooster : Honey Girl, there's a special man who wants to have a photo taken with you. It might go into the newspaper. Do you want to be in the newspaper?
(The Honey Girl HAS wanted her picture in the paper since Pants started school and had HIS photo in the paper with his new class. She's been pretty put out that her slack mother cannot, or will not, just ring the paper and insist they publish a photo of her daughter)
Honey Girl : What man? Where?
Rooster : Well he's outside, I'll show you in a moment. He's a nice man though, and an important man, and he wants some photos with some of the kids for the paper.
Honey Girl : What man? Where?
So they make their way outside, to The Man.
The Rooster: (gesturing towards the Man) This man. Here is the man who wants to have some photos taken.
Honey Girl : (after a long close perusal of the Man and his face, outfit, shoes and expressions) No. Not with THAT man.
That Man : Hi there! Would you like to have a photo with me for the newspaper? We can go out to the play ground and have a picture taken out there. On the climbing equipment. You can climb on the monkey bars, and we'll have a picture together? (beginning to really sell the idea now...) That sounds like fun - a photo in the paper, and you get to climb on the monkey bars. Do you wanna go climb on the monkey bars for a picture?
Rooster begins to step in and say that it appears she isn't interested today, when he learns, very quickly, that our Honey Girl can speak for herself :
Honey Girl : No. YOU can climb on the monkey bars. I'm going home!
And walked off to the car, leaving the Rooster to apologise and The Man to find a new photo candidate.
And me to wonder if the distinguished gentleman in the nice suit did end up climbing the monkey bars himself for the photo!!!

Once she sets her mind to something, there's no changing it! Even with the lure of monkey bars!