Previously we used to joke about how much she is going to just LOVE this situation when she is about 16 and trying to date. As if a protective Dad ain't enough - every girl longs for 4 brothers to watch over her and threaten any male companion she might attract, with violence and death should he dare to hurt their beloved sister!
Lately though, it doesn't seem so funny. All things pink and fluttery and girly are featured in the HoneyGirl's room - but beyond the boundaries of her own special space - Transformers and weapons and superheros reign supreme!
And it seems the HoneyGirl has been doing some thinking about this, and has hatched a plan of her own to remedy the situation.
Recently I saw Pants and the HoneyGirl being a little too rough with Boombah, and spoke ( a little too harshly perhaps!) to them. I explained that if they jumped on him again, he may become very very sick, and possibly die. And that then we would have to put him into a little box, and dig a hole in the ground, and put the box into the ground and we would never ever see Boombah again. Ever.
Now I'm not a total killjoy. Even I can relish the sheer pleasure of launching oneself onto a wobbly, squishy, fat blob on the floor and enjoying the rolls and waves of chub that almost rise up to meet you. So I suggested they continue the jumping game on the trampoline! (or the couch, if the Rooster is not around to notice!)
A few weeks later I again saw the HoneyGirl being overly rough with her baby brother. Calmly this time, I reminded her to be gentle with him or else she would hurt him.
And she responded brightly and with a little too much excitement :
"Yes, and then we'd have to put him in the box into the hole in the ground. And then we could go back to the hospital and get another baby. And THIS time, it can be a GIRL baby"!!